January 2019 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:35PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 11 members in attendance.

Silent Key:

  • December 17 - Norman Dusseau (N8EYZ)
  • December 19 - Delmar Cadoo (KD8QOH)

Members in Distress:

  • Jim McBride (K8JPD) had knee surgery on Monday, all went well and we wish him a speedy recovery.
  • Allen Nash (KC8UQU) still has hip ailments and is trying a new treatment to help him move around.

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.

The Finance Report was read with motion to approve by Dave Claar (W8TUX) and seconded by Allen Nash.  All present approved.

Bills to Present: $46.50 for donuts for the Winter Hamfest.  A motion was made to pay the bills by Bib Rosebrock (WB8ZOI) and seconded by Less Sanders (KE8BHW), all were in favor.

Membership Report:

We are currently in the midst of our membership renewal drive. The current count stands at 26 paid and lifetime members.

Education Report:

No report, but a renewed effort after the first of the year to organize a class will be made.

Silent Key: Delmar Cadoo KD8QOH

We are sad to report another silent key in our Amateur Radio family, Delmar Cadoo KD8QOH, father of Corey Cadoo KD8QHD, passed away Wednesday morning. For Obituary information, use this link:


Visitation is Sunday from 1:00pm to 3:30pm at Hudson Chapel at 415 W. Main St in Hudson, MI.


November 2018 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:33PM by Craig Szczublewski (KD8KBU) with 8 members in attendance.

Silent Key/Members in Distress: No Report

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.

The Finance Report was read with a motion to approve by Larry Fountain seconded by Dave Claar.  All present approved.

There were no bills to present

Membership Report:

  • 39 paid members.
  • KD8KBU pointed out we have not taken in a lot of new club members this year.  He will produce some printouts of the club promotional page to hand out to VE testing participants to make them aware of the club and our activities.

Education Report:

  • No report, but a renewed effort after the first of the year to organize a class will be made.
  • KD8KBU offered to put on a digital mode workshop sometime in February with time and location to be determined.

Repeater Report:

October 2018 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 15 members and guests in attendance.

Silent Key/Members in Distress: No Report

The Finance Report was read with a motion to approve by Ed Roth seconded by Bill Lampe.  All present approved.

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.

Bills to Present:

* $86.61 for OSPOTA Picnic, a motion was made by Dave Claar (W8TUX) to pay, second by Bill Lampe (KD8WSL), all present approved.

Repeater Report:

* The Fusion repeater is still in QRP mode.  We plan to perform maintenance to the system once we have a new set of duplexors and can bring the power level up.

* We are still planning a maintenance day for the primary site, probably sometime end of October or after, to perform exterior maintenance, including repair to the wood trim and paint.

* KB8ELG found a combination heating and air conditioning unit for $365. He will work on getting it ordered before the snow starts to fall.

Old Business:

September 2018 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 11 members in attendance.

Silent Key/Members in Distress: No Report

Treasurers Report: No Report

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.

Repeater Report:

* The Fusion repeater is still in QRP mode.  We plan to perform maintenance to the system once we have a new set of duplexors and can bring the power level up.

* We are still planning a maintenance day for the primary site, probably sometime mid-September or after, to perform exterior maintenance, including repair to the wood trim and paint.  Look for details after the OSPOTA event.

* The main site experienced an issue with the Air Conditioning system, which was fixed by KB8ELG, who was able to fix it. He noted that the fan bearings sounded worn and the unit may need to be replaced, possibly with an all-in-one heating/cooling system.  Dave Claar made a motion to purchase a combo unit if under $750, which was seconded by Bill Lampe. All voted in favor.  Bryan Patterson will research the best available unit for the size of the structure.

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