The meeting was called to order at 7:35PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 11 members in attendance.

Silent Key:

  • December 17 - Norman Dusseau (N8EYZ)
  • December 19 - Delmar Cadoo (KD8QOH)

Members in Distress:

  • Jim McBride (K8JPD) had knee surgery on Monday, all went well and we wish him a speedy recovery.
  • Allen Nash (KC8UQU) still has hip ailments and is trying a new treatment to help him move around.

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.

The Finance Report was read with motion to approve by Dave Claar (W8TUX) and seconded by Allen Nash.  All present approved.

Bills to Present: $46.50 for donuts for the Winter Hamfest.  A motion was made to pay the bills by Bib Rosebrock (WB8ZOI) and seconded by Less Sanders (KE8BHW), all were in favor.

Membership Report:

We are currently in the midst of our membership renewal drive. The current count stands at 26 paid and lifetime members.

Education Report:

No report, but a renewed effort after the first of the year to organize a class will be made.

KD8KBU would still like to present a digital mode workshop sometime in February with time and location to be determined.

Repeater Report:

We still need to install out new heating/AC unit, but it can wait until spring. Our Fusion repeater is still in QRP mode, and we are looking to return the frequency pair to KB8GOMs machine and work with the OARC to establish a pair for the club.  We have a lead on a new site near the fairgrounds for the Fusion system, more details in 2019.

Old Business:

  • KB8ELG reported that the FCHC has completed pulling the COAX for the VHF system.  They still need PL connectors attached and the antenna mounted.  KB8ELG will follow up with the POC for that project to wrap it up
  • KB8ELG also presented a financial report for the income and expenses related to the Winter Hamfest.  The had an ending gain of $388.50 for the event.  We estimate about 70 tickets sold.  At the approval of the club, we are planning on holding the Winter Hamfest again in 2019 on December 7th.

New Business:

  • It was the first meeting of the year, which means Officer Elections.  There was a motion made by KE8BHW to retain the current officer lineup for 2019, providing the accept.  The motion was seconded by W8TUX.  The current officer lineup accepted the nomination and all present were in favor.

Good of Amateur Radio:

  • We received correspondence from Thomas Nickle (W8AI) who has been a lifetime member of our club but resides in Gulfport, MS.  The letter detailed how much he enjoys hearing about the club participating in community events.  Enclosed with it was a donation to the club of $150.  Thank you Tom for supporting the club, and I personally enjoy the email correspondence we have.  If you care to drop Tom a thank you or just to say hi, he can be reached at hl9xx @
  • Terry Habegger sent us a request to reach out to Swanton Health Care, who is also deploying a VHS radio station. They also need assistance finishing the PL connectors for their coax.  KB8ELG will be reaching out to Stacey Meyers to coordinate a site visit.
  • W8TUX is still planning on organizing a practice deployment around the county sometime in March.  The purpose will be testing signal strength on several repeaters around the county from the furthest points within the county boarders.  More details will be made available soon.

Upcoming Hamfests:

01/27/2019 Hazel Park

02/17/2019 Livonia

02/17/2019 Mansfield

03/03/2019 Elyria

03/16/2019 Kalamazoo

Club Nets:

Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 8pm FCARC ES Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

On the web:

On Facebook:

E-Mail list:

VE Testing:

The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the George's Radio Service in Wauseon, contact Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) if interested, you can find his phone number on the website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

A motion to close was made by Allen Nash and seconded by Dave Nelson at 8:44pm.

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Regional Clubs & Repeaters

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County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.