The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 17 members and guests in attendance.

Silent Key/Members in Distress: KD8QHD has been under the weather since July 4th, but is said to be recovering.

The Finance Report was read with a motion to approve by Bill Lampe (KD8WSL) seconded by Dave Claar (W8TUX).  All present approved.

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.


* Rebecca Goble, Director of Fulton County EMA, sent us an introductory letter.  KB8ELG will reach out to her to setup a meeting with the club emergency services committee. 

* Terry Habegger sent a request that we reach out to HCNO regarding deploying amateur radio equipment to FCHC.  KB8ELG will contact them to see what steps we need to complete as a club.

* DX Engineering is holding two mini-seminars on August 11 on Digital/SDR technologies, and NVIS antenna systems. See their website for details 

Bills to Present:

* Facilities payments for the Delta HamFest and Field Day: $123.34.  A motion was made by Dave Nelson (KA8KDS) and seconded by W8TUX, all approved

* Marzolf Shelter House: $53 with a motion to pay by Jason Clingaman (KC8PCU), seconded by Bob Rosebrock (WB8ZOI)

Hamfest Report:

The ARRL Winter Hamfest will be on December 1 at the Delta Memorial Hall. The event is registered in the ARRL database.

Repeater Report:

* The backup site is offline and has been for some time.  The excessive heat on July 1 forced us to scrub our repair plans.  We plan to try on Sunday, July 29 around 2pm to get those systems back online.

* KB8ELG noticed the building at the main site needs some exterior maintenance.  He would like to schedule a maintenance day to refresh the paint before winter.

Upcoming Events: 

* September 8 is OSPOTA, we have the Marzolf Shelter House Reserved.  We have sent notice to the contest organizers that the club will plan to activate the park with the call K8BXQ.  Further details as we have them.

* September 8 is the rain-date Swanton Fireworks.  Please bring an HT, safety vest, and flashlight if you have one.  Bug repellant would not be a bad idea either.  Plan on using 146.460 simplex. We know this is the same day as OSPOTA, but many club members should be able to get over to Swanton by 7:00pm.

Field Day:

Previous emails and website postings have been put out regarding Field Day, but on a short note, we had 575 QSOs with a claimed score of 2,668 points with bonuses and multipliers.  We look forward to Field Day 2019.

Good of Amateur Radio:

* Delta Chicken Fest Parade: We had 6 participants.  We were sent thank-yous from the Delta PD and Delta Mayor.

* We are still looking for a permanent meeting location, thanks to Wauseon Lodge Free & Accepted Masons for allowing us to camp out on a temporary basis.

* Would like to have a meeting presentation topic for our August meeting.  Let us know if you have a short talk topic of 10-15 minutes to show and tell.

* KA8KDS is looking for assistance to put up a small amount of American tower.  He is also looking for a smaller style tri-band antenna if you know of one for sale.  Please contact Dave directly at ka8kds @

Upcoming Hamfests:

07/22/2018 Van Wert

09/09/2018 Findlay

09/16/2018 Adrian

10/06/2018 Great Lakes HamCon

Club Nets:

Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 8pm FCARC ES Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

On the web:

On Facebook:

E-Mail list:

VE Testing:

The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the George's Radio Service in Wauseon, contact Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) if interested, you can find his phone number on the website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

A motion to close was made by WBZOI and seconded by KD8WSL at 8:38pm.

WX Conditions


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