The meeting was called to order at 7:32PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 11 members in attendance.

Silent Key: No Reports

Members in Distress:

- Jim McBride (K8JPD) who had knee surgery in January and was able to attend our meeting last night.

- Dave Nelson (KA8KDS) who had a heart related incident in January requiring a pacemaker was also in attendance and reported feeling well.

- Allen Nash (KC8UQU) reported he will be going in next for hip replacement surgery, please keep him in your thoughts for a speedy recovery.

Minutes from the previous meeting were electronically distributed last month with no corrections.

The Finance Report was read with motion to approve by Bob Rosebrock (WB8ZOI) and seconded by David Claar (W8TUX).  All present approved.

Bills to Present: Nothing to present.

Membership Report: The current count stands at 33 paid and lifetime members.

Education Report:

- KD8KBU put on a digital mode workshop on March 2 at the Fulton Masonic Lodge in Delta.  Despite poor band conditions, they were able to make several QSOs on PSK31 and FT8.  There were 8 in attendance from around Northwest Ohio.  Interest by others who could not attend may prompt a repeat of the workshop later this summer.

- KB8ELG expressed interest in putting on an antenna building workshop this summer, covering varios types, theory behind radiating patterns, and other tips and tricks.  Stay tuned for dates and further content. 

Repeater Report:

The power supply on the primary site was replaced last Saturday by KD8KBU, WB8ZOI, and KC8PCU. The whole system seems to be working well, although given the nature of the supply failure, there is interest from KB8ELG and KB8MDF on putting a commercial service monitor inline and making sure nothing is working our of scope.  That maintenance may happen in the next few weeks.

The 147.285 (K8LI) repeater remains offline for now.  Lindsay has indicated it was throwing spurs and interfering with neighboring repeater systems,  He has plans to run a full diagnostic and will keep us posted on the progress.

New Business:

- A reminder that the FCARC Summer Hamfest is approaching on June 1.  We are looking for ideas on door prizes and assitance with ticket sales, 50/50 sales, ideas on food/drink options. More to be discussed in April.

- A motion was made by W8TUX and seconded by WB8ZOI that the collection being taken in lieu of the 50/50 raffle be donated the Delta Church of Christ for letting us continue to use thei meeting room.

Old Business:

- KB8ELG has been in contact with the FCHC on completing the VHF radio system setup.  They are just trying to synchronize schedules.

- We are still looking for someone to assist Swanton Health Care, who is also deploying a VHS radio station. They need assistance finishing the PL connectors for their coax.  Contact KB8ELG if you are able to schedule some time with them to assist.

- W8TUX gave us a briefing on the upcoming Emergency Services net deployment this Wednesday.  Please take time to review the purpose and goals posted at If you are able to deploy to remote areas of Fulton County during this exercise, please contact Dave Claar as soon as possible.

Good of Amateur Radio:

- The club had several equipment donations over the past few months, some of which found its way to the TMRA hamfest.  KB8ELG presented $280 in revenue from the sales to the club.

Upcoming Hamfests:

04/28/2019 GMARC

05/17/2019 Dayton/Xenia

06/01/2019 FCARC

06/02/2019 Chelsea

06/16/2019 Monroe

Club Nets:

Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 8pm FCARC ES Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others

52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

On the web:

On Facebook:

E-Mail list:

VE Testing:

The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the George's Radio Service in Wauseon, contact Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) if interested, you can find his phone number on the website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

The next regular club meeting will be Monday, April 15 at 7:30pm at the Delta Church of Christ.

The meeting was called to close at 8:45pm.

Craig Szczublewski - KD8KBU

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