The meeting was called to order at 7:33pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 13 members in attendance, the pledge of allegiance was given by all.
Members in Distress:

  • Bev Walworth (KC8UJC) has spent the past couple of weeks at St Lukes but is set to be transferred back to Fulton County.

  • Andy Odum's (KC8RU) sister passed away on 10/21.

  • Allen Nash (KC8UQU) goes in for scheduled surgery next Monday for hip replacement.

  • John Meyer (KD8ZKE) goes in for scheduled surgery on November 11 for an upgrade pacemaker.

The Treasurers report was given and was approved as read.
Hamfest Committee:

The Winter Hamfest is December 7th, 2019.  The location will be the Village of Delta Memorial Hall, the same location as last year. The event has been filed with the ARRL and preparations are underway.  Further planning will be conducted at the November meeting. KB8ELG is starting to get reservations in.  Bring your suggestions for food sales and door prizes.
The summer Hamfest is set for June 6, 2020.  The location will be at the Roth Family Woodlot again.
Repeater Committee:

The repeater shed exterior maintenance has been completed, thanks to all who helped with trim replacement and painting.
Even though the CAT Controller Corp is going out of business, we are investigating other options for a weather radio hookup as an alerting input to the CAT 300 controller.

Old Business:

We still need to produce a DX Engineering manifest for our County EMA to put in an Amateur station.  KB8ELG will be taking on this task.
The research into a License Plate for the Mast Trailer is still on KB8ELG’s task list.
We were also reminded of the new Hamfest sponsored by the Black Swamp Amateur Radio Society in Temperance, MI on November 2 (details at

New Business:

KB8ELG will reach out Angela regarding reservations for the club Christmas Dinner at the Barn in Archbold

KB8ELG also pitched the idea of participating in Winter Field Day on January 25/26 (more info at

Good of Amateur Radio:
KB8ELG has been in contact with the coordinators of the Northwest Ohio Hospital Net and is awaiting a schedule.  We will coordinate with the FCHC and Swanton Health Care when we have a firm timetable.
KB8ELG and W8TUX are looking at holding a Saturday training for running the nets.
A motion was made to close at 8:21pm by KC8UQU and seconded by W8TUX.
Upcoming Hamfests:
October 27: Madison Heights
November 2: Temperance (Black Swamp)
November 16-17: Ft Wayne
December 7: FCARC Winterfest
Club Nets:

Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+
Wed at 8pm FCARC ES Net -- 147.195+
Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex
Latest Club Information:
On the web:
On Facebook:
E-Mail list:
VE Testing:
The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the George's Radio Service in Wauseon, contact Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) if interested, you can find his phone number on the website under the VE Testing section.
Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.
The next regular club meeting will be Monday, November 18 at 7:30pm at the County Administration Building.

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