11/20/23: The meeting was called to order at Fulton County Museum and Welcome Center, 8848 State Hwy/ 108, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 26 members were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Silent Key: George Walworth N8EUY, a founder of FCARC


Members in Distress: KC8PCU hospitalized after a procedure


Corrections to Minutes from Previous Meeting: none


Treasurer's Report: none

Wauseon Christmas Parade will be held on November 25th at 7:00pm. If planning to attend to help out please arrive to the Chamber of Commerce on the corner of Fulton St and Depot St no later than 6:00pm.

Winter Hamfest will be held in Archbold at Ruiley Park on Sunday, December 3rd. Set up time is 7:00am, doors open at 8:00am. All members are welcome. All door/raffle prizes have arrived. PA system will be used for announcements. 

    FCARC Christmas Party - Dinner will be held at Blue Ribbon Diner on State Route 108 in Wauseon on Saturday, December 16th at 6:00pm. All family members and spouses are welcome to attend.

    New Meeting Location - New location for club meetings will be at the Wauseon Fire Department Building. Parking is available and is Handicap Accessible. This may also be the new testing center for the VE testing. More details to come.


    VE update: There is no one yet scheduled for testing this month.


    Nominees for Officers - Nominations were under way at the meeting for the voting in January. The nominees are as listed...

    President - Bryan Patterson
    Vice President - Cody Gingery
    Financial Recorder - Kim Allen, Mark Raine
    Recording Secretary - Gretchen Arno, Taylor Holbrook

    Club Nets:

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 1st Sunday is the Simplex Net-- 146.46

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday is the Preparedness Net – 147.195+

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 3rd Sunday is the Emergency Services Net—147.195+

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 5th Sunday is the DMR Net on Brandmeister 3171544 (K8BXQ).

    • Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

    • Wednesday at 8:00pm Wednesday Night Net

    • Thursday at 8pm 6M Net -- 1st Thursday 50.400 AM, 3rd Thursday 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex


    Latest Club Information:

    VE Testing: The club gives testing at 10:00 am the last Saturday of each month at the Fulton County Museum and Welcome Center. 8848 State Hwy 108, Wauseon, OH 43567. Contact Sandra Schwind KE8UTX if interested. Her email address can be found on the k8bxq.org website under the VE Testing section.


    Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

    The next regular club meeting will be 1/15/23 7:30PM. December's stated meeting will be skipped per the planned Christmas Party 12/16/23

    A motion to adjourn was made by K8CAG and seconded by KE8VFR all were in favor.  KB8ELG closed the meeting at 8:40pm


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