8/15/22: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 24 members in attendance. Introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all. FCARC feels more like a family than a business. This meeting is being broadcasted by Zoom provided by KE8ITJ

Silent Key: none

Members in Distress: KE8QFJ: recovering from Covid

Reading of July minutes by KB8ELG, which are approved.

Treasurer's Report: Checks were written for $1045, $149.60 and $259.49. $6355.45 balance remaining. Approved by KG8FM and KC8HDG

Bills to Present: Shipping cost for the PA amplifier: $95.35. Approved by KC8TCU and KG8FM

Ohio QSO Party: 8/27/22 noon to midnight

OSPOTA/ VHF contest 9/10/22. Ohio State Parks On The Air goal: reach as many state parks as possible in Ohio. OSPOTA will be held at Harrison Lake State Park: Marzhoff Shelter House. Family, children and friends are welcome

Masonic Lodges on the Air: 9/14/22

Power Supply Class to be offered by KB8ELG: $47 for all components. 7-amp power supply, bridge rectifier, block diagram

Repair Henry Amplifier. Component repair. Insured for $1500 from USPS

Lots of static on FCARC repeater. Discussion ensued how to assess issue and repair. Use of drone?—would need permission from Fulton County Health Center/Life Flight

Secretary Communications:

VE/Education Committee: July testing: five people participated. Two people obtained Technician Class; two people obtained General Class, and one person obtained Amateur Extra. FCARC has earned the reputation of “The Testing Club”, testing people from as far away as Flint and Holland Michigan.

Emergency Services: Emergency Services Net is now being held on the third Sunday of the month at 8:00 PM 147.195

Winter Hamfest: Archbold Ruihley Park Pavillion. Paid in full

A question was asked about antenna tuners. Amazon? R/L Electronics? Manual tuner can often reach further than an auto tuner

KB8QJF is requesting help this Saturday at 1000 to move a tower to his home two blocks away.

Old Business:

  • Club shirts: were passed out to members who ordered and are still available. Contact KE8ITJ for details
  • Club members are actively looking at pneumatic mast trailer


New Business:

  • Should we offer an introductory CW class? Contact KB8ELG with interest.
  • Class to build 12V power supply? A few Saturdays. Planning to present this Fall.

Club Nets:

  • Every Sunday at 7:30: Ohio Digital Net TG 302050
  • Sun at 8pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday is the Preparedness Net – 147.195+
  • Sun at 8pm on 1st Sunday is the DMR Net on Brandmeister 3171544 (K8BXQ)
  • Sun at 8pm on the 3rd Sunday is the Emergency Services Net—147.195+
  • Monday at 8:30pm: Ohio DMR Net on Brandmeister TG 3139
  • Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+
  • Wed at 8pm Wednesday Night Net
  • Thu at 8pm 6M Net -- 1st Thursday 50.400 AM, 3rd Thursday 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

VE Testing: The club gives testing at 9 am the last Saturday of each month at the Masonic Lodge (Fulton No. 248) in Delta, contact John Myers (KD8ZKE) if interested, you can find his email address on the k8bxq.org website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

The next regular club meeting will be 9/19/22 at Fulton County Administration Building in the Conference Room on the second floor. 

A motion to adjourn was made by KG8FM and seconded by KE8QJV, all were in favor.  KB8ELG closed the meeting at 8:24pm


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Regional Clubs & Repeaters

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County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.