7/18/22: The meeting was called to order at 930 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 18 members in attendance, introductions were made and the pledge of allegiance was given by all.

Silent Key: None

Members in Distress: None

Treasurers Report: Treasurer absent tonight. We have been unable to access account at Farmers and Merchants Bank in Delta. KB8PUD has discussed with Karen the manager at Farmers and Merchants Bank Swanton branch who has offered assistance. *Update* an appointment has been made for KB8ELG, W8TUX, KE8OKA to meet with Karen the manager at Farmers and Merchants Bank Swanton branch 7/23/22 at 1000.

Bills: Fuel reimbursement for diesel for genset from Field Day: $56 to W8TTH, approved by WB8ZOI KC8HDG. Reimbursement to KE8ITJ $254.99 for the DMR radio door prize for Field Day. Motion made to pay the bills for approval by KC8HDG, seconded by KE8QFJ. Reimbursement to WD8KRS $93.60 for port a john. N8RLD mailed a check for dues April 5 which was not deposited. KB8ELG is investigating.  

VE education: Road to be blocked during testing time. Relocate to another facility. LDS Church In Wauseon mentioned as possible alternative. VE will determine a solution. Last month two people passed the Technician test, one person passed the General test. KE8ITJ and KG8FM have been conducting technician classes at their church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at 858 S Shoop Ave, Wauseon, OH 43567. Two people passed their Technician tests.

Wednesday night Emergency Services net: What is the goal? It is decided to transition this net to monthly to the 3rd Sunday of month replacing the DMR net. Should we change this time to a New/Elmer net instead? Currently this is accomplished during Bud’s Midnight Madness

Summer Field Day. Fair turnout. Should areas of The Woodlot be gridded off by antenna type and by bands of operation? Specified responsibilities? ARRL field day rules.

Ohio QSO party. Object: contact every county in Ohio. Weekend of August 27.

OSPOTA: September 10. Harrison Lake.

Lodges On The Air: September 24. Can set up at any Masonic Lodge.

Winter Hamfest: First Saturday in December. Archbold Ruihley Park Pavillion is paid in full. Setup at 0700 and doors open at 0900? Poor signage—improve? Parking? Parking crew? 2m call monitoring? Shuttle venders and merchandise with UTV? Lydia’s Food truck  scheduled and suggestion made that she brings food to sell.

Old Business:

  • Virtual club meeting? Kim will email link to all members. Record virtual meetings and upload to website. Announce at all nets
  • Build 12V power supply. KB8ELG. Compile a kit, determining a price. If you can build it you can fix it. Someone teach dipole?
  • Our repeater what power output is the repeater running at 25 watts currently until the rf amp is repaired.


Club Nets:

  • Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+
  • Thu at 8pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex
  • Sun at 8pm on 2nd and 4th Sunday is the Preparedness Net – 147.195+
  • Sun at 8pm on 1st Sunday is the DMR Net on Brandmeister 3171544 (K8BXQ)
  • Sun at 8pm on 3rd Sunday Emergency Services net-- 147.195+

Latest Club Information:

VE Testing: The club gives testing at 9 am the last Saturday of each month at the Masonic Lodge (Fulton No. 248) in Delta, contact John Myers (KD8ZKE) if interested, you can find his email address on the k8bxq.org website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

The next regular club meeting will be August 15, 2022 at Fulton County Administration Building in the Conference Room on the second floor. 

A motion to adjourn was made by KC8HDG and seconded by KG8FM, all were in favor.  KB8ELG closed the meeting at 9:00pm

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Regional Clubs & Repeaters

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County Information

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